Current Funding (PI/co-PI/site-PI)
- R21
DA056684, National Institute on Drug Abuse. Using
narratives to identify stigma phenotypes - a
socio-ecological approach. Role: Site PI
- University of Minnesota Informatics Institute Large Seed
Grant. Leveraging natural language processing and machine
learning tools to identify prodromal cognitive impairment
in longitudinal social media data. Role: Co-PI
(University of Melbourne lead)
- Hokkaido University/University of Melbourne Joint
Research Workshop grant. Role: Co-PI
(University of Melbourne lead)
Selected Previous Funding (PI/co-PI/site-PI)
- R21
DA047578, National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Exploring the evolving relationship between tobacco,
marijuana, and e-cigarettes. Role: PI
- R03
DA047577, National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Investigating the documentation of electronic cigarettes
in the VA EHR. Role: PI
- University of Utah Seed Grant. Utilizing social
media to investigate the psychological consequences of
coronavirus-related social distancing. Role: PI
- R00
LM0113933, National Library of Medicine. Utilizing
social media as a resource for mental health surveillance.
Role: PI
Journal Club
I am currently involved with running a fortnightly journal
club on health informatics and digital health (see here
for more information).
I am attempting to document some of the books that I
read. Here's my list for 2022, 2023,
and 2024.
Organization & Resources
Shockley and scientific productivity, publication venues [PDF]